Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Hb. Solani Nigri Long Kui 45-60g Clears Heat, resolves toxicity, invigorates the Blood, promotes urination and reduces swellings.
With Ban Zhi Lian, for cancers.
Hb. Duchesneae Indicae She Mei 45-60g Clears Heat, cools the Blood, resolves swelling, breaks up clots and removes toxicity.
Hb. Solani Lyrati Shu Yang Quan 45-60g Dispels Heat, removes toxins, promotes urination and dispels tumors.
Hb. Salviae Chinensis Shi Jian Chuan 30g Invigorates, cools and nourishes the Blood, relieves Heat, detoxifies, promotes diuresis, dissipate nodulation and reduces swelling.
Hb. Scutellariae Barbatae Ban Zhi Lian 30g Clears Heat, resolves Fire toxins, invigorates the Blood, reduces swellings, promotes urination, reduces edema and treats various types of cancer and hepatitis.
Sargassum Hai Zao 30g Reduces Phlegm and softens areas of hardness.
Fol. Lycii Di Gu Pi 15g Cools the Blood, drains Yin Deficiency Fire and eliminates lurking Heat,
Rx. Clematidis Wei Ling Xian 15g Reduces Phlegm and pathogenic water, unblocks the channels and alleviates pain.
  • Clears Heat
  • Resolves toxicity
  • Invigorates the Blood
  • Promotes urination
  • Reduces swellings
  • Cools the Blood
  • Drains Yin Deficiency Fire
  • Resolves Phlegm
  • Softens hardness
  • Toxic Heat with Phlegm
  • Progressive dysphagia
  • Vomiting after eating
  • Local redness
  • Swelling and pain
  • Maybe fever and chills
  • T: Normal
  • C: Thin white or yellow
  • P: Rapid and forceful